Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Donations at a Critical Level

The Storehouse is in the middle of a crisis as donations are down by 62% versus the same time last year.  It is essential that The Storehouse increase its donor base in order to meet the need of the individuals and families that we serve.  It is important that donations not fall at this level again and we certainly need to be proactive in our attempts to keep the donations up to the minimum level to cover our most basic needs.

There is a problem with the economy.  It has not gotten much better and the end is not really in sight.  The Storehouse provides the community with a great deal of nutritional support, hygiene products and clothes for those who are in great need.  We provide the homeless food, clothing and a place that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

How can we continue to serve these individuals and families without the proper amount of money to by the food and hygiene products that they desperately need? We can't.  We will have to serve fewer people.  That means, more people will go hungry.

Take time to look at your budget and see if you can serve The Storehouse with a donation on a regular basis. See if you can help us find other donors if you can't donate yourself.  There are many ways that you can help and we need all the help that we can get.

Reaching people right here and right now,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This Week at The Storehouse
This week has been a busy one and we were only open one day due to the holidays.  There was a great deal of work to be done behind the scenes on Monday and Tuesday.  We were truly blessed by all that we received from Immacula, Mud Creek Baptist Church, Southern Lights Square and Round Dance Club, Farm Bureau and a number of individual donors.  Our Storehouse felt the blessings of a great harvest.  We have been wondering where to store it all, but it was used to fill many boxes before noon and we still have an hour left of this day.  We cannot say thank you with even a fraction of what we feel inside that relays it properly.  So, please know our words fail when our heart is so overwhelmed by your generousity. 
As amazing as our early week donations are, the food may not even last two weeks with number of clients that we have already and the new clients we recieve each day we are open.  Please consider donating food and/or money to the Storehouse.
Christmas Is Coming
Black Firiday will be here in two short days.  Consider adopting a child that is in great need for Christmas.  Blessings in Boxes is our Christmas program and we would love to give you the ability to make a huge impact in a child's life in Henderson County.  Please email us thestorehouse@bellsouth.net  or give us a call to 692-8300 to participate in Blessings in Boxes.  If you would like to make this a double benefit, we can give you a in-kind donation form for tax purposes. If you would like to volunteer for the gift distribution, call us.  You will be incredibly moved by the generosity of Henderson County residents. 
End of Year Support
You can be a Pantry Partner supporting The Storehouse year round.  Contact us for a great opportunity to bless The Storehouse year round. 
Happy Thanksgiving,

Lynn H. Staggs,
Executive Director

Saturday, October 30, 2010

All About Lynn

The title "All About Lynn" is a bit misleading, but the sincerity is there.  I have only been a part of the Storehouse for less than a month.  But I wanted to take some time to describe Lynn from my eyes.  I have only seen a limited view of who she is, but I believe you will be able to see the qualities that make Lynn uniquely qualified for The Storehouse. 

Her heart was broken when she saw the elderly going hungry because of the shortage of money to cover their food needs after their essentials were paid.  So let's begin with Lynn's heart.  Lynn's heart is one that is is overly compassionate for the needy.  But at the same time, Lynn becomes just as passionate about those who take advantage of what The Storehouse offers the needy. 

Christmas is a special time for Lynn.  I began right as the Christmas Blessings in Boxes sign up was just beginning.  I looked at all the children that were being added to the lists everyday and personally had to wonder about how all these children were going to receive gifts.  As of yesterday, Lynn's list had nearly 390 children from Henderson County on the list.  Can you believe it?  I asked Lynn if she wanted to cut off the list and she said "no, not yet." Her confidence in her donors is based on their desires to help the children who would not have a Christmas. 

Lynn has the ability to be instantly liked.  She is fun, caring and genuine.  She fails to put on airs and that is why so many volunteers love to work at the Storehouse.  She talks with her donors in honest, down to earth ways always asking for special needs to be taken care of.  But Lynn is also blessed by donors who approach her unasked with incredible donations. 

And guess what? All of the blessings are credited to God.  Lynn gives God the credit for all that the Storehouse receives.  It is his hand that has been involved in the Storehouse all along.  She is the willing servant God has chosen to help the needy in Henderson County.

Why do you need to know all about Lynn?  Because if you are not a part of The Storehouse, you are missing out on so many blessings from God.  You need to become a part of the Storehouse as a volunteer or a donor.  The blessings you witness are just a tip of the iceberg going on at The Storehouse. 

Look into becoming a Pantry Partner by donating $30 a month in the 100/30 project.  Volunteer at the Storehouse, become a Christmas donor for Blessings in Boxes, collect food items in your neighborhoods, churches, workplaces and schools, collect monetary donations from your neighborhoods, churches, workplaces and schools, gather a group for work projects or call and ask what the current needs are at the Storehouse.  Come get involved in the Storehouse and find about all about Lynn for yourself.

Right Here, Right Now

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Storehouse Pantry Partners

The Storehouse has determined that it needs 500 individuals to commit to donation $30 each month to meet all the food needs of the people it has been serving in the past 10 years.  In my short time here at The Storehouse, I have been surprised by the number of intakes I have done personally in addition to what the other volunteers have done.  The need is not lessening.  The economy and job loss brought an increase in 2008-2009 of the number of individuals and families being served.  However, there are so many individual's who have not found a job and their unemployment has run out.  Families are finding bills piling up, food missing from their cupboards and children growing out of their clothes. 

 The Storehouse could easily purchase $15,000 worth of food each month and still have times during the month when the shelves are running bare.  Why?  Because of the high demand of need in the families of Henderson County.  Despite many preconceived notions that may be floating around, the demographics of the needy in Henderson County hit every race, religion and income bracket.  One bad month leads to another bad month and that leads to a visit to Interfaith Assistance Ministry, Salvation Army and other agencies who will refer the family to The Storehouse. 

Consider becoming a Storehouse Pantry Partner to help those who have needs in their lives in Henderson County.  It is a huge commitment, but it is a commitment that is very necessary and will be an incredible blessing in your life. 

The Storehouse

Reaching People Right Here, Right Now